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Data Co-op Project, Michigan Tech and LSSA, 2018-2019

As of 1/5/2018, Michigan Economic Development Corporation confirmed availability of funding through a contract to be put in place with Alger County, Michigan, a Northwoods Rail Transit Commission member. These and other funds provided through Michigan Technological University are supporting collection and analysis of Actionable Shipper Data for existing and potential freight to support lighter density rail lines in the Great Lakes Forests Region ("GLFR").

The Lake States Shippers Association ("LSSA") Data Co-op Committee ("DCC") held a "Kick-Off Meeting" on 2/9/2018 and initial progress status call-in on 4/4/2018 with others to follow through 2018 to the scheduled conclusion of first phase of the Data Co-op Project in 2019. In anticipation of a positive "proof of concept" in Phase 1 of the Project, LSSA's Focus Group has begun exploring funding options for Phase 2 (the scope of which will be defined by results of Phase 1). Kick-Off Meeting, Michigan Tech Presentation.

LSSA DCC's objective, again, is to address the follow question:

To what extent will co-operative coordination of multi-shipper freight lanes provide sufficient volume, consistency and balance that will yield transportation efficiencies and increasingly competitive and sustainable rates and services from railroads and truckers serving the forest products and other industries of the Great Lakes Forests Region?

Final Report, LSSA/MITech Data Co-op Project, March 2020 4/3/2020

A Comprehensive Update, Rail Projects Progress – Spring 2020 4/20/2020

We have made substantial progress since the LSSA Data Co-op Committee meeting at Titletown Green Bay on January 21, 2020. There have been significant developments outlined in our Comprehensive Update - Spring 2020.

This update outlines a series of Projects during 2020, expanding on the LSSA/MITech Data Co-op Project (final report posted 4/3/2020), our overall objective remains to convert over-the-road truckload freight to rail and rail intermodal to fill currently underutilized rail capacity and identify new investments in rail and rail-related infrastructure to accommodate additional truckload conversions beyond existing rail capacity. More specifically, the multiple projects are outlined and discussed in the Update, as their goal, will:

  • On the demand side, assemble and deploy Actionable Shipper Data, freight all kinds, rail, truckload and intermodal of sufficient magnitude/volumes, at the freight lane level, to support railroad operations, rate and investment decisions that will result in substantial conversions from over-the-road truckload to rail and rail intermodal; and

  • On the supply side, assemble from the railroad participants, railroad operations and service metrics to support feasible conversions of over-the-road truckloads to currently underutilized  rail capacity and as the foundation for application for federal grant funds for selected, identified rail and rail related infrastructure investments.

The proposed deadline for completion of the Projects is year end 2020 with the objective of supporting applications for shares of the over $1 billion plus of USDOT infrastructure competitive grant funds. It is likely that the total available funding may be increased in the coming months.

Confidentiality Agreement, Michigan Tech and LSSA:

MI Tech Data Submission Instructions and Template Samples:

* Samples only, spreadsheets available on request.

Exploring Uses and Expansion of LSSA Aggregated Shipper Data:

























© 2017 Lake States Shippers Association, LSSA